The RFP Template - Writing Proposals That Win Bids
Many businesses and organizations use a request-for-proposal (RFP) format to receive bids for work or goods that they wish to purchase. By using this proven RFP template below, you can become more successful at proposal writing and win more bids. Because RFP writing can be challenging and time-consuming, many businesses either don't participate in the bid process or they don't write bids that win. Proposal writing is a combination of science and art: you need to follow guidelines or a template (the science) and you need to write a compelling and persuasive bid (the art). First, recognize that there are a number of different methods used for bids or tenders: request for expressions of interest (RFEIP), request for proposal (RFP), request for qualification (RFQ), request for information (RFI), and request for technical specifications (RFTS). These requests are typically used by all levels of government; hospitals; schools, universities and colleges; and a number of orga...